It has been several months since I have blogged, so I will do
my best and try to catch up on what has happened between then and now. First, I
would like to thank those who have prayed and are continuing to pray for me and
my mom as we are continuing to recover from the wreck we were involved in on
August 5.
August 5 @
2:20pm: Me and my mom, Barbara was on our way home from church. We had guests
visiting from Alabama and had lunch with them after church. In Seneca, SC, the
traffic light intersection of Old Clemson Hwy and Rochester Hwy (Hwy 130). Mom
was making a left turn onto Hwy 130 from Old Clemson Hwy. We receive the green
light and begin excelling to proceed in a left turn. The car traveling from
Seneca on Hwy 130 ran his red light and hit us in the driver’s door (T-bone).
The state trooper said the man was driving approximately 40-45 mph. He had
looked down to answer his phone and when he looked back up, it was too late. He
didn’t have time to brake. When our car came to a complete stop from being hit,
we did a complete 180 and could have driven right back down Old Clemson Hwy. I
was in the passenger seat. My head hit the front windshield. I blacked out for
a few seconds when I came to I was between the two front seats laying half way
in the back floor board. I sat up into my seat; mom realized that my head was
bleeding. I was hurting on the left side of my head above my eye, my right
knee, my right thumb and the right side of my lower back/hip area. Mom was
hurting in her neck and back; she was wearing her seat belt and I was not.
Witnesses quickly came to our car to check on us as we waited for EMS to
arrive. The man that hit us didn’t seem to be hurt; or his two boys that were
with him. Mom had to be cut out of the driver side due to the impact being in
her door. We were transported together by ambulance to the local hospital. We
were soon examined by ER nurses and doctors. I had x-rays on my thumb, knee,
and back. I also had a CT scan on my head to check for bleeding on the brain.
The results were good; no broken bones or bleeding. Mom had x-rays on her back
and neck. She also received results for no broken bones. Couple weeks later, I
began having problems with my right knee and left elbow and extreme pain. I was
referred to an Orthopedic for my left elbow and right knee. MRI was done on
both. The results were good for my elbow and it has gotten better since then.
My knee results showed that there wasn’t any ligament or cartilage damage. I
have been told that no surgery is needed; nothing can be done to fix it. I’ve
had an ultrasound done on my knee to check for blood clot and go back December
20 for those results. We’re trying to rule out where the pain is coming from. I
and my mom is both under chiropractor care for our backs and she is also being
treated for whiplash. A knot has come up on mom’s left breast and she is seeing
a surgeon to see if surgery is needed or not. The knot is from the seat belt.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We have come a long way, but still
have a ways to go. Pray that the doctor will be able to find out where the pain
in my right knee is coming from and how I can be treated and my knee will
properly heal.
my head hit the windshield
back driver side axle broke from the force of impact
October 12-13: Family Vacation in Pigeon Forge &
Gatlinburg with my mom, Grandpa, and mom’s sister & her family. It was nice
to get away for a couple days from home and work and spend time with family
that I don’t get to see often. We had dinner Friday night at the Applewood
Restaurant which was incredibly delicious! On Saturday, we visited Harrisburg
Covered Bridge, Circle G Ranch. We stopped in Gatlinburg on the way home. Brittany
(my cousin) and I rode the Sky lift to top of the mountain; it was a beautiful
view looking over Gatlinburg. As we were riding up, we saw a bear cub.
Harrisburg Covered Bridge
Brittany, Grandpa, and Me
Circle G Ranch
pot belly pig
baby zebra
antelope and deer
ostrich and antelope
big daddy buck
mountain goat
baby donkey
river in Gatlinburg
Me and Brittany on Sky Lift
bear cub on side of mountain at SkyLift
top of mountain in Gatlinburg
November 16: One year ago my precious grandmother entered
Heaven at 11:48am. She was surrounded by her family who loved her dearly. She
and my grandpa would have celebrated their golden 50th anniversary
on December 23. She would have turned 73 on November 29. She was a godly woman.
When she was in good health, she enjoyed keeping children, gardening, canning
vegetables, attending camp-meeting and other church services among lots of
other things. She left behind a wonderful, loving, faithful husband, 4
wonderful children, 7 fabulous grandchildren, 1 sister, 3 brothers, and lots of
nieces and nephews. She now has a great grand-daughter as of August 14, 2012. I
wish she could see her but I know that she is watching from heaven. I miss her
every day!
Clemson T. Ed Garrison Arena – IPRA World Championship Rodeo
T. Ed Garrison Arena IPRA Rodeo
calf roping
bareback bonco riding
girl's barrel racing
team roping
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