Pendleton-Clemson Relay For Life 2012
6 years Survivor from Ovarian Carcinoma
passed away from Colon Carcinoma
December 1985
Breast Cancer Survivor
Survivor of Thyroid Carcinoma
Team banner RFL 2012
Some of you may not know what exactly Relay For Life is? Relay For Life is an event with the American Cancer Society. It was started in 1985 in Tacoma, Washington by Dr. Gordy Klatt. He walked around a track for 24 hours approximately 83 miles and raised $27,000. In 1986, 19 teams joined him on the track. Relay For Life is a fund-raiser for fight back against cancer by finding more cures for cancer and having a world with more birthdays. It is a world-wide event and in 19 international countries (if I make no mistake).
It is a one night a year event of teams camping out, walking the track to raise money to fight back. Cancer never sleeps and neither do we on this night! This year Pendleton-Clemson RFL has raised $95,686 thus far and still counting. Our goal was $65,000 and was surpassed when we ended our Relay For Life event on May 5. It is amazing how small donations of $1 or more can make a HUGE difference. We are trying to reach $100,000 by July 1. You can make your generous donation to myself Julie Davis or my team Mac's Drive-In
i am a 9 year ovarian cancer survivor...i live it i breathe it