Friday, December 31, 2010

Move in 2010 from S. Carolina to Georgia

Upon my many 2010 adventures one which one I had not anticipated on was moving. I moved from S. Carolina the week-end of Oct.29-31. I have enclosed a few pictures of the transition so please overlook the mess. This was a BIG deal for me. I had never moved in my life, had lived in the same place since March 1985. I am slowly adjusting to Georgia; however, I am still a Carolina girl just temporarily living in Georgia. I will post soon pictures of the house as we are still finalizing things such as decor in the master bathroom, kitchen, and computer room (office).

my room - I love the fact that I have a bigger room :) 
my room was originally done in John Deere in S.C.
so I transferred it to Georgia for a while longer jst to get use out of it.

pillows decor for my room

above my closet

more of my room. please overlook the mess.

my closet - before

my bedroom window

towels in my bath

my bathroom is small so I can only get half shots.
it is still a work in progress

more of my bath


another kitchen shot. it is a little smaller but have more cabinets.

bar/kitchen table area. we had not moved in the
kitchen table yet. not fond of the bar; however, part
of it may eventually come down.

part of the living room. I do not like the flower print
couch, it is just temporary.

another living room shot including my dad kicked back
in the recliner.

another bedroom turned into the computer room (office)

another computer room shot

the back of the house leading into
the master bath and bedroom.

master bath

master bath again

master bedroom before. a after picture is still to come.

master walk in closet


laundry room

part of the carport

back yard and garage

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