In February 2007, I had to have surgery on my right ankle. I had sprained it numerous times over the past 8-9 years and it had became very weak and did not have any support from my tendons, cartlidges, and ligaments. So, I have all of that reattached. In June 2007, I had a gall bladder attack and had to have it removed.
In 2008, I did not have any surgeries (Thank goodness)! I was working at Advance Auto Parts and Clemson First Baptist Child Enrichment Center. I left both places and moved to Greer (Feb 2008) for a live-in nanny job. Unfortunately, that did not work out just for 2 months then I moved back to Norris and went back to work at the daycare. In May, I had a bad wreck. I only got bruises, thankfully.
In January 2009, I started back to school attending Greenville Tech majoring in Surgerical Technology. In July, I once again left the daycare and took a live-out Nanny job in Westminster for a family with 3 kids. I had to quit school because of my work schedule working late. I really love this job! In January 09, I had to have a minor surgery, had my tonsils and adenoids removed due to having a recurrence of tonsilitus every 4-6 weeks between August 2008-January 2009. In April, I was able to attend a Minnie Pearl Retreat in Nashville, Tennesee for Young Adult Cancer Survivors. It was a great experience and a nice get-a-way trip.
In 2010, June 7, I began school once more this time online through University of Phoenix majoring in Healthcare Administration. In June 4-6, I had my first time experience adventure. I flew to Boston for a Young Adult Cancer Survivors Retreat through LiveSTRONG and Next Step. I had an awesome time, meet new people, an old friend that I met in Nashville the previous year, took my first taxi cab. It was great meeting people that have been down the same road with cancer as I have. I moved to a new state, Georgia, in October. It has been a huge adjustment, but it is slowly growing on me. As of 11/27, I am almost finished with my first year at UOP. I am still working in Westminster, been there little over a year. Right now, I have 5 kids. 3 of them are bro/sis, one is a cousin and one is a foster child; all are boys except for 1 girl. It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving 2010 has already came and gone and Christmas is fast approaching. It is hard to believe that I have been cancer free going on 5 years! I continue to thank God for allowing me the opportunity to win a battle that so many have lost. Well, I best close for now. It's getting late in the evening and I had some school work to work on and then a rivalry game between Clemson/Carolina to watch at 7pm. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more is sure to come....
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